Crime Victims Reparations

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Crime Victim Reparations helps victims and their families pay for the financial cost of crime when they have no other means of paying. The funds to operate the program come from fines and files paid by people who break the law.

Eligibility and Requirements:

  • Residency: The crime must occur in Louisiana or involve a Louisiana resident victimized in another state without a compensation program.
  • Reporting: The crime must be reported within 72 hours unless there is a valid reason for delay.
  • Filing: Applications must be filed within one year of the crime, unless a valid reason for delay exists.
  • Cooperation: Victims and claimants must fully cooperate with law enforcement during the investigation and prosecution.

Who May Qualify:

  • Innocent victims of violent crime who suffer physical and/or emotional harm or death.
  • Individuals who pay certain expenses related to the crime on behalf of the victim.
  • Immediate family members needing counseling due to the death of the victim.

Who is Not Eligible:

  • Victims whose behavior contributed to the crime.
  • Individuals engaged in illegal activity at the time of the crime.
  • Offenders, accomplices, and those with recent felony convictions.
  • Victims of motor vehicle accidents, except in specific cases (e.g., DWI, Hit and Run).

Covered Crimes and Expenses:

  • Crimes involving the use or threat of force resulting in injury, death, or catastrophic property loss.
  • Specific motor vehicle-related crimes like DWI and Hit and Run.

Eligible Expenses:

  • Medical and prescription expenses
  • Dental expenses
  • Mental health counseling
  • Funeral expenses
  • Loss of earnings or support
  • Childcare or dependent care
  • Crime scene cleanup
  • Replacement costs for items taken as evidence

Non-Eligible Expenses:

  • Property losses except catastrophic property loss (loss of primary residence).
  • Pain and suffering, property repair, and attorney fees (unless court-ordered).

Limits on Awards:

  • Total recovery is capped at $10,000, with exceptions for victims suffering total and permanent disability, which may qualify for up to $25,000.

Recoveries from Other Sources:

  • The fund is a "payer of last resort," covering out-of-pocket expenses not paid by other sources like health insurance, worker's compensation, or social security.

Covered Crimes and Expenses:

  • Crimes involving the use or threat of force resulting in injury, death, or catastrophic property loss.
  • Specific motor vehicle-related crimes like DWI and Hit and Run.

Eligible Expenses:

  • Medical and prescription expenses
  • Dental expenses
  • Mental health counseling
  • Funeral expenses
  • Loss of earnings or support
  • Childcare or dependent care
  • Crime scene cleanup
  • Replacement costs for items taken as evidence

Non-Eligible Expenses:

  • Property losses except catastrophic property loss (loss of primary residence).
  • Pain and suffering, property repair, and attorney fees (unless court-ordered).

Limits on Awards:

  • Total recovery is capped at $10,000, with exceptions for victims suffering total and permanent disability, which may qualify for up to $25,000.

Recoveries from Other Sources:

  • The fund is a "payer of last resort," covering out-of-pocket expenses not paid by other sources like health insurance, worker's compensation, or social security.

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get in touch

Contact our Criminal Investigations Unit at

985-902-2088 to apply.

Completed applications are to be returned to the Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff’s Office. For Assistance Call 985-902-2088.