Halloween Safety Tips

The Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff's Office prioritizes safety for all trick-or-treaters during Halloween. Here are essential safety tips to ensure a fun and secure Halloween night:

  • Visible and Safe Costumes: Ensure your child’s costume allows for easy movement and is flame retardant. Enhance visibility with glow bracelets, reflective tape, and flashlights. Modify store-bought costumes to make your child easily identifiable in the dark.
  • Supervision: It's crucial for parents to closely supervise their children. If another adult is supervising, ensure you have their current contact information. Implement a buddy system if children are trick-or-treating in groups.
  • Avoid Distractions: Adults should stay vigilant and avoid using smartphones while supervising children. Being alert ensures children's safety, especially near roadways.
  • Inspect Treats: Check all collected treats for signs of tampering, torn packaging, or potential choking hazards. Discard any suspicious items.
  • Safety Discussions: Have a conversation with your children about safe trick-or-treating practices. Remind them to walk on sidewalks, facing traffic if there are no sidewalks, and to never enter a stranger's home. Establish a plan in case of separation.
  • Home Preparation: Prepare your home for trick-or-treaters by clearing pathways of obstacles and securing pets to prevent any incidents. Ensure your property is well-lit and replace any burnt bulbs before Halloween.
  • Motorist Awareness: Minimize driving on Halloween night due to increased pedestrian traffic. If driving is necessary, proceed with caution in residential areas, driving slowly and eliminating distractions to focus on the road and surroundings.

By following these safety tips, we can all contribute to a safe and enjoyable Halloween for everyone in Tangipahoa Parish. Stay alert, stay safe, and have a Happy Halloween!