How to Apply for Crime Victims Reparations

Victims of violence and their families often face significant challenges in dealing with the aftermath of crime, including emotional, physical, and financial burdens. The Louisiana Crime Victims Reparations Fund provides support for innocent victims and their families by covering financial costs resulting from crime when other means of payment are unavailable. Administered by the Crime Victims Reparations Board under the Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement, this fund is sustained through fines and fees paid by lawbreakers.

Police Social Services can assist in filing for Crime Victims Reparations. Here are the program details:

Basic Qualification Requirements:
  • Residency: The crime must occur in Louisiana or involve a Louisiana resident victimized in a state without its own victim compensation program.
  • Reporting the Crime: Must report to law enforcement within 72 hours, unless there's a valid reason for delay.
  • Filing for Compensation: Application must be submitted within one year of the crime, barring exceptional circumstances.
  • Cooperation: Full cooperation with law enforcement in case investigation and prosecution is required.
Who May Qualify:
  • Innocent victims of violent crimes resulting in physical/emotional harm, death, or catastrophic property loss.
  • Those who assume legal obligations or voluntarily cover crime-related expenses.
  • Immediate family members needing counseling due to victim death consequences.
Who Is Not Eligible:
  • Victims contributing to the crime.
  • Those engaged in illegal activities at the time.
  • Offenders or accomplices.
  • Recent felons or those on probation/incarcerated during the crime.
Covered Crimes:
  • Crimes involving force, threat of force, causing personal injury, death, or severe property loss.
  • Specific motor vehicle crimes like DWI, Hit and Run, or intentional vehicle-related injuries.
Eligible Expenses Include:
  • Medical and prescription costs.
  • Dental treatments.
  • Mental health counseling.
  • Funeral expenses.
  • Loss of earnings or support.
  • Dependent/child care.
  • Crime scene cleanup.
  • Replacement costs for evidence-damaged items.
Ineligible Expenses:
  • Standard property losses.
  • Pain and suffering.
  • Property repairs.
  • Attorney fees except as court-ordered.
Limits and Recoveries:
  • Maximum recovery is generally $10,000, with up to $25,000 for total permanent disability cases.
  • Fund acts as secondary payer after other sources like insurance, social security, etc.
Reimbursement Conditions:
  • Fund may require reimbursement if restitution or civil suit recoveries overlap with fund payments.
How to Apply:

For assistance with the application process, contact (985) 902-2011.